Sunday, 27 November 2016

Land Speeders

Land speeders are cheap. Land speeders are fast. Land speeders can put out a surprising amount of damage. Land speeders are vulnerable to small arms fire.  They are an effective and very points efficient unit that has a tendency to pay for itself many times over.
Weapon choice
The land speeder weapon load out needs to match it's role on the field of play. Anti tank necessitates two multi melta.  Anti infantry requires a pair of heavy bolters or a heavy bolter and assault cannon (if you are going up against harder to kill targets).  Typhoon missile launchers are a half way compromise between anti tank and anti infantry and as a result excel at neither.

Land speeders need to keep out of charge range. To get charged tends to be a negative fore gone conclusion with the land speeder being left a burning charred wreck.
Land speeders excel at objective grabbing.  Moving 12" and then moving flat out means that they will be able to reach almost anywhere on the board from a central position.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Stormfang by demon40kpaintservices

I always wanted the blog to act as a platform for members of the space wolf community to present their work.  From demon40kpaintservices presents a article on painting a storm Fang.

First basecoat the stormfang black  ..then base coat with The Fang/BASE..Next i dry brushed a layer of Russ Grey all over model..applying more on flat suffice giving  you a already dirty look..

Next I dry brushed fenrisian grey layer along egde's first .then in cup place's to bring out the colour..this will look a mess at first but will take shape in front of you eyes..

Next I dry brushed fenrisian grey layer along edge's first .then in cup place's to bring out the colour..this will look a mess at first but will take shape in front of you eyes..
After that its down to you to fill in all the other base colours you need on this model golds ect...

So after all additional base colours / wash's you should end up with this..remember to dry brush more if you want a different  shade..always when dry brushing wipe access paint get a better effect with brush slow & layers ..

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Felix's wolves....

An article by Felix regarding him painting a full space wolf army for a friend. 

Dear friends of the best hobby in the world,  I am honored by the request to do an article about my Space Wolves.

A short introduction:

My name is Felix and I´m 35. I live in Germany. I started collecting Minis in 2009 and ever since my collecting grew. First there were Orks…lots of Orks. Later I decided to start a Tyranid swarm. Then, after three years the Emperor enlightened me and sent his blessing to me. When I saw the Sangiunary Guard Box I just had to…you know that feeling. 6500 points later finally the Thunderwolf Cavallery came into view. I wanted to have a strong ally in battles to come, so I started collecting Space Wolves.

When I posted my first freehand in a group on Facebook I was overwhelmed by the positive reactions of many painters and collectors.

A week later came Jesse – a guy from Alaska…21 and totally crazy in a very positive way ;)
His enthusiasm was viral -  he so wanted to have this Land Raider.
I had to tell him that it was not for sale, but he kept asking me if I was able to create an army for him. At that time a few of my German friends were selling some old stuff so I was able to start with a few vehicles and troops. Jesse was alright with my idea of making a recycled army from old models to save money and to be able to start a.s.a.p.

Some oft he models were in a real bad shape, but I went on and started the „wolfication“

I put many pelts and shields on the tanks to achieve that special Fenrisian look. I added some bits and tried not to overload the vehicles. The priming was done with „The Fang“ from Citadel and a bit of Wolf Grey from Army Painter.

Soon Jesse came up with the request for a Space Wolves Knight. Form e it was a perfect way to combine my wish to once do a special Knight and making my ideas reality.
I ordered basing material from Scibor Miniatures and started converting the hell out of one Imperial Knight. Jesse flipped around every time I sent him pics and described what sort of adjustment I was thinking about.

I combined the ranged weapons of the right arm by using green stuff fand magnets.  The powerfist was done with some bits from the dreadnoughts and of course – green stuff!

The Base was supposed to be an eye catcher as much as the Knight itself

When it came to painting the Knight we exchanged ideas and I used pen and paper to send results to Jesse.

The results of my work so far: 

This is what I have so far…my own army does not look that great.