An article by Felix regarding him painting a full space wolf army for a friend.
Dear friends of the best hobby in the world, I am honored by the request to do an article about my Space Wolves.
Dear friends of the best hobby in the world, I am honored by the request to do an article about my Space Wolves.
A short introduction:
My name is Felix and I´m 35. I live in
Germany. I started collecting Minis in 2009 and ever since my collecting grew.
First there were Orks…lots of Orks. Later I decided to start a Tyranid swarm.
Then, after three years the Emperor enlightened me and sent his blessing to me.
When I saw the Sangiunary Guard Box I just had to…you know that feeling. 6500
points later finally the Thunderwolf Cavallery came into view. I wanted to have
a strong ally in battles to come, so I started collecting Space Wolves.
When I posted my first freehand in a group on
Facebook I was overwhelmed by the positive reactions of many painters and collectors.
A week later came Jesse – a guy from Alaska…21
and totally crazy in a very positive way ;)
His enthusiasm was viral - he so wanted to have this Land Raider.
I had to tell him that it was not for sale,
but he kept asking me if I was able to create an army for him. At that time a
few of my German friends were selling some old stuff so I was able to start
with a few vehicles and troops. Jesse was alright with my idea of making a
recycled army from old models to save money and to be able to start a.s.a.p.
Some oft he models were in a real bad shape,
but I went on and started the „wolfication“
I put many pelts and shields on the tanks to
achieve that special Fenrisian look. I added some bits and tried not to overload
the vehicles. The priming was done with „The Fang“ from Citadel and a bit of
Wolf Grey from Army Painter.
Soon Jesse came up with the request for a
Space Wolves Knight. Form e it was a perfect way to combine my wish to once do
a special Knight and making my ideas reality.
I ordered basing material from Scibor
Miniatures and started converting the hell out of one Imperial Knight. Jesse
flipped around every time I sent him pics and described what sort of adjustment
I was thinking about.
I combined the ranged weapons of the right arm
by using green stuff fand magnets. The powerfist was done with some bits from the
dreadnoughts and of course – green stuff!
The Base was supposed to be an eye catcher as
much as the Knight itself
When it came to painting the Knight we
exchanged ideas and I used pen and paper to send results to Jesse.
The results of my work so far:
This is what I have so far…my own army does
not look that great.
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